Events Calendar 2024

Calendar of Events 2025

February 5, Dante's screening of "Maria", 4:30, Wednesday, third floor Commons at Westminster Canterbury. Popcorn, wine , water will be served. Parking available in lot designated “Visitors and Employees". Use Main Entrance Street on left. When inside turn right and take elevator to third floor turn right into Commons.
Following the movie, the private dining room at Isabella’s has been reserved for Dante; however maximum capacity is 20 so get your reservation in soon by contacting Pat Bradbury at 910 695-5644 or [email protected].
Following the movie, the private dining room at Isabella’s has been reserved for Dante; however maximum capacity is 20 so get your reservation in soon by contacting Pat Bradbury at 910 695-5644 or [email protected].

March 1, Carnevale, Boonsboro Country Club, details, TBD
March 20, 5:30 pm, Young Artists Concert, Opera on the James, 701, Main Street, Recital Hall
April 23: Vino e Viaggio - "The Best of Rome" with Kathy Muehlemann. 5:30 pm, St. Paul's Episcopal Church